紙芝居 ぽんぽんたいこ画像
紙芝居 ぽんぽんたいこ画像
紙芝居 ぽんぽんたいこ画像
紙芝居 ぽんぽんたいこ画像
紙芝居 ぽんぽんたいこ画像
紙芝居 ぽんぽんたいこ画像

紙芝居 ぽんぽんたいこ

昭和36年 1961年

Picture Story  show (1961)
No.3 Lost
title "Pon Pon Taiko"
(太鼓 Taiko is Japanese traditional drum.)

Summary: This story saying likes & dislikes is not good.

It is imagined Tanuki strikes a belly and sounds like drum by Japanese people.
 The main character is a Tanuki(raccoon dog) child.
His name Ponkichi.
He has no good sounds.
Where he overcame the carrot & the green onion he dislikes, a good sounds began to appear. 

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